Monday, January 27, 2014

Silver linings

I've been so bad about blogging but I have a good reason: I have no internet at my house and I'm not sure where my computer is. I've had a bit if a rough time very recently. I'm not going to go into much detail but the gist of the situation is that I took a pretty big risk which didn't pay off causing me to lose something that I really valued and will dearly miss. I'm feeling hurt and sad but also hopeful for the future. I am feeling very blessed for the support of my family and friends. During a conversation with one such friend I came to realize that the pain I am feeling is actually a good thing because it proves that I'm capable of something that I have always been afraid I wasn't capable of. In order to be truly hurt by someone or something your heart has to open to then in the first place. I've always been good at closing myself off from things that I find harmful to me. In this case I was able to open my heart and I feel good about that. Sure it didn't pay off this time around but maybe it will the next time. Anyway, sorry this post is kind of a downer but life gets is down sometimes. Character isn't determined by how often you fall but by how well you pick yourself back up.  I'm in the process of getting back up now, and I think I'm handling it pretty well so I hope I will be back to my happy smiling self very soon,. I'll try to remember to blog again when I do.