Wednesday, September 25, 2013

From Daytona Beach, FL to Steelville, MO

I never know how to answer when someone asks me where I'm from. I was born in Germany, lived in California until I was 13, then moved to Michigan. In less than 3 years, I have spent a significant amount of time in 5 different communities in 3 states and one other country. That concept of home being where the heart is a little difficult for me to grasp. I feel like pieces of my heart are scattered literally all over the globe with all of the people who know and love. I am from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. I figure its time to get back to documenting my adventures. 

To be honest, I am not always great at follow through. I like to set things up, pick out background pictures and come up with witty post titles but journaling consistently has never been my strong suit. But I'm going to keep it up this time around because I was sitting in my living room, reading old posts from my time in Guatemala and it brought back all of the amazing memories that I had of that time. So, if for no other reason, I want to be able to look back and remember my life as it is now. 

My life right now happens to be a little chaotic. I am about to leave my job in Daytona Beach, Florida to start a new job at the manufacturing company owned by my family in Steelville, Missouri. I will be coming from city life (such as it is) in Daytona to country life in Steelville. Steelville, where the closest movie theater is 40 minutes away. Steelville, where you can count the number of eateries on one hand. Steelville,where you can get from one end of the town to the other in about 5 minutes. and Steelville, where my parents, grandmother, and half of my aunts, uncles and cousins call home. 

I can't say anything very exciting will happen to me when I move but I'm excited for some of the little things that small town life can offer. I'm going to share every little detail that I can, and if you find that this blog becomes too boring for you I wont be offended if you stop reading. These are essentially just the ramblings of a girl who happens to be from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.