Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Dog's of Bird's Nest and Other Fun Anecdoes (Part 1)

I've been in Steelville for about 6 months now and I've learned some very interesting things about life in a small town. I haven't been blogging much despite the fact that my life has been plenty eventful so I thought I might try to compile some of my fun anecdotes into a few (possible too long to retain interest) posts.

The Tale of the Parking Lot Rock

It was 3:30pm, Friday afternoon and I was getting my stuff together to leave my job at the factory in time to start work on the Front Desk at Wildwood Springs Lodge. I had been a little distracted all day and was ready to get out of there so I walked out to my car after the end-of-day bell rang. I started old Giles up and pulled out of my parking spot right as a red truck pulled up behind me. For some strange reason I started to panic, thinking I was holding the truck up so I started moving forward before I was fully on the pavement. This was a mistake. While looking in my rearview mirror instead of in front of me, I heard a loud crunch/scrapping sound and my car stopped moving. I had obviously driven over something that was on the grass. I tried backing up and driving forward, thinking whatever it was I could drive over it and the red truck would no longer be stuck waiting on me. My efforts, as you can imagine, were futile.

 I started to draw a crowd as the cars started backing up behind Red Truck and a slew of engineers were unable to leave for the day. I got out of my car, told one of the engineers what happened and stood by Giles, helpless and embarrassed. The engineers that had assembled started evaluating the situation and planning on what could be done to free Giles from the large rock that had been placed at the edge of the grass to deter people from taking shortcuts through the grassy parts of the parking lot. I heard one engineer say "we could probably lift the car and have someone attach a chain to the rock to pull it free". Others agreed that this could work but they would need some car jacks, a chain, and possible a truck to pull the rock if it was too heavy. By now, Red Truck and the others stuck behind him had managed to drive around me so at least my anxiety about holding him up was put to rest. But now I had a chance to answer the tell tale question of "How many engineers does it take to dislodge a Buick from a bolder"? The answer is many.

"HEY MAN, YOU HAVE A CHAIN IN YOUR TRUCK, RIGHT?" yelled one of the engineers to his fellow employee who was getting in his truck to leave for the day. "YEAH, WHATS GOING ON?" he responded.

This happened a few more times, as different potential helpers came out of the building after their shift. In the end, I think there were at least 15 people gathered around Giles. I had a jack in my trunk and someone else provided a second one and Giles was lifted from the driver's side and the front. Another engineer had supplied a large chain which was secured around the rock once the jacks were in place. Then the majority of the group took hold of the chain, tug-of-war style, and started to pull the rock free. Victory! Giles was free! And I had gained a new reputation. Thus began my adventures in Steelville...And really, it was just the beginning...

The Tale of the Empty Gas Tank

Once in Florida, I had forgotten to put gas in my car. I had to call one of my pastors to take me to a meeting that we had and then have AAA put some gas in the tank so I could get home. I honestly thought that once was enough. Who forgets to tank up twice in one year? This girl, that's who.

The thing about Steelville is that everything is within a few miles of each other. It takes me 5 minutes to get from my house to the factory and if I don't leave town, it could be a whole month before I need to get gas. This fact is normally a great thing because I can save tons of money on gas. However, in this case, it also made it much easier for me to forget that I needed to gas up at all. I left work in the morning and made my way to the factory. I turned onto Perkins road and got about 50 feet from the factory when Giles puttered out and refused to move any more. It was then when I remembered to look at the gas gage and saw that of course, it was below E. I was already running late and was in walking distance of work so I got out of my car and started walking. Right as I began, a white car drove past, stopped and started backing up towards me. Through the passenger side window I could see that it was one of my supervisors, Chis. He asked if I would like a ride the rest of the way and dropped me off right at the factory entrance. Later that day I sent a text to a friend of mine who works at the factory telling him about what happened. He responded by telling me that he already knew, word had gotten around through out the day. Another thing to add to my reputation...

Stay tuned for the next installment of anecdotes which will include, The Dogs of Bird's Nest and Giles, Stranded on Thankgiving.


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